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Get Involved! A2 Teacher´s Book with Teacher´s App

ISBN: 9781380068804
42,16 €
vč. DPH
Běžná cena49,60 €
Dostupnost1-2 týždne
Get Involved! equips teenage students with the sense of excitement and appetite to explore the world ahead of them. It develops the linguistic skills and Super Skills, encouraging them to get involved in driving their future. The course also enables teachers to create an inclusive classroom where everyone reaches their potential and has an opportunity to shine. What makes a hero? What is an ideal school? Why do people dress up? Each unit starts with a question to generate curiosity and ensure every student gets involved. Throughout the unit learners gain the knowledge, the language and skills to answer the question in the end-of-the-unit Collaborative Project. Completing the project gives students an opportunity to use the new language and skills straightaway.
Počet strán144
VydávateľMacmillan (Zobraziť všetkých produktov)
Rok vydania2021

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