Obrázek nenastaven

Destination C1 and C2 Upper Intermediate Student´s Book without Key with eBook

Mann Malcolm
ISBN: 9781380097903
32,13 €
vč. DPH
Běžná cena37,80 €
Dostupnost1-2 týždne
A modern, three-level series focusing on vocabulary and grammar, ideal for students at intermediate, upper intermediate or advanced level. The up-to-date syllabuses are based on the B1, B2, C1&C2 levels of the Council of Europe Framework and exercises are geared towards tasks for the relevant exam at each level. These are the ideal grammar practice books for students preparing for their exams.
AutorMann Malcolm
Počet strán264
VydávateľMacmillan (Zobraziť všetkých produktov)

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