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Teacher Language Awareness: Paperback

Andrews Stephen
ISBN: 9780521530194
22,77 €
vč. DPH
Běžná cena26,79 €
Dostupnost1-2 týždne
Teacher Language Awareness (TLA) is an area of increasing interest to those involved in language teacher education. This book provides an introduction to the nature of TLA, assesses its impact upon teaching and its potential impact on learning. The book focuses specifically on grammar. It aims to encourage teachers and others involved in language education to think more deeply about the importance of TLA ad to adopt a more principled approach to the planning of those parts of their programmes assosciated with it.
AutorAndrews Stephen
Počet strán248
VydávateľCambridge University Press (Zobraziť všetkých produktov)
Rok vydania2007

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