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Communicative Language Teaching : An Introduction

Littlewood William
ISBN: 9780521281546
27,42 €
vč. DPH
Běžná cena32,26 €
Dostupnost1-2 týždne
Kniha poskytuje úvod do komunikativní jazykové výuky a je určena učitelům cizích jazyků Popis: The communicative approach is changing the face of foreign language teaching. It provides an introduction to communicative language teaching for practising classroom teachers. The author gives a single coherent account of the basic communicative ideas, emphasizing those aspects most important in the classroom so that teachers can integrate the new ideas into their own familiar methods. He stresses that a knowledge of grammar remains essential for effective communication.
AutorLittlewood William
Počet strán122
VydávateľCambridge University Press (Zobraziť všetkých produktov)

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