45646 Large

Components of L2 Reading : Linguistic and Processing Factors in the Reading Test Performances of Japanese EFL Learners

Shiotsu Toshihiko
ISBN: 9780521157278
38,17 €
vč. DPH
Běžná cena44,91 €
Dostupnost1-2 týždne
Kniha popisuje průběh čtení s porozuměním a rychlosti čtení na výkonu japonských studentů anglického jazyka. Popis: The book investigates the explanatory variables for the passage-reading comprehension performance of Japanese EFL learners and their sentence-reading speed. Following rigorous preliminary studies evaluating the significance of the candidate variables and refining research instruments, a large scale main study was conducted. Regression analyses indicated that syntactic knowledge was the best predictor of passage-reading ability, while vocabulary breadth also contributed to its prediction. Subgroup analyses supported the significance of syntactic knowledge for both higher- and lower-ability readers. Sentence-reading speed was best predicted by the speed of lexical semantic access. The significance of this speed was also consistent across the group division. A subsequent exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modelling of the data indicated that the performances of the participants were best explained in terms of two latent factors: one based on careful text processing power and the other on efficiency of lexical semantic access.
AutorShiotsu Toshihiko
Počet strán250
VydávateľCambridge University Press (Zobraziť všetkých produktov)

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